
Ensuring that children in Florida have a recognized legal father is of utmost importance for various compelling reasons. To secure the rights and responsibilities of parenthood under Florida law, establishing paternity becomes necessary. Paternity helps fathers seeking child custody and time-sharing, as well as mothers requiring child support enforcement and establishment. Additionally, children themselves may have their own motivations for seeking paternity, such as gaining insight into their familial history or understanding potential genetic and health considerations for the future.

The legal landscape surrounding paternity rights in Florida has undergone significant transformations. It is vital for both fathers and mothers to comprehend these changes and their implications on their respective roles, rights, and responsibilities. Raymond S. Grimm Esq.P.A. is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance throughout this entire process.

Establishing Paternity in Florida

In Florida, there are several ways to establish paternity:

By Marriage: If a child is born within a marriage, the husband is automatically
considered the legal father, requiring no further action.

Voluntary Acknowledgment: Parents have the option to jointly sign a legal acknowledgment confirming the father’s paternity. This acknowledgment
becomes legally binding 60 days after it is signed.

Administrative Order: Paternity can be established without court involvement through an administrative order based on genetic testing results.

Court Order: Either parent can petition the court for a paternity determination, typically by undergoing genetic tests. Once paternity is established, the court has jurisdiction to establish a timesharing schedule and parenting plan, and to enter an order of child support, in the same manner as if the parents had been married when the child was born.

Contact Raymond S. Grimm Esq.P.A. Today

Contact Raymond S. Grimm Esq.P.A. today at (941) 423-7897 or fill out our online contact form.